
The homework club
The homework club

the homework club

It is very important for students to commit and respect the schedule assigned to them. It is asked that all students of Homework Club follow the same guidelines. One way parents can help in this matter is to make sure that their student gets to school on time and every day. Research shows that students who are successful in schooling are the ones who are consistent with their studies and the ones who have no absences and tardiness from school. Homework Club will not provide any type of transportation for drop-off or pick-up. If there are any changes, please let Kristine or Henry Demirchian know as soon as possible. It is critical that the information on the emergency form is current. Students will not be released to anyone not listed on the emergency form (LIC 700). Each student must be signed out by an adult identified in the Identification and Emergency Information form (LIC 700). For student’s k-1st grade, Homework Club staff will assist with pick-up from the classroom. Each student grades 2 and above are expected to walk to the Homework Club location as soon as their class is dismissed. Daily attendance will be taken and parents will be notified by a text message to their primary care takers’ cell phone if their child is not at the homework club location by 2:45pm. Identification will be checked before any student is released until the staff becomes familiar with the individuals who pick-up students. To ensure the safety of the students in care, students will only be released to adults authorized in the application and emergency form by the parent(s).

The homework club