
How many people think the earth is flat
How many people think the earth is flat

No one takes the time to realize I’m fully acquainted with flat Earth literature.

how many people think the earth is flat how many people think the earth is flat

Constant interruptions are raised against points I’ve never made. I never finish my fifteen-minute presentation. She’ll eventually walk out in apparent disgust. During the questions, when she senses my annoyance, she’ll knowingly wink at me in solidarity. There’s only one other “globetard” in the room: An elderly woman who stays quiet throughout, except once to ask a question about where the edge of the earth is.

how many people think the earth is flat

Here, I offer up some words of advice on how to steer a flat earth debate. Since then, I’ve debated (or, more accurately, “debated”) many flat Earth believers. A growing number of people think the earth is flat. My curiosity was pricked by an article in The Economist.

How many people think the earth is flat